Medicare & Medi-Cal Fraud in Los Angeles

At Green & Associates, we represent clients facing federal charges of Medicare fraud and state criminal allegations of Medi-Cal fraud, California's answer to Medicaid. The stakes are high and could impact careers and freedom. Our job is to respond to aggressive audits and pursuit of criminal charges with a focus on your rights and the best outcome, both professionally and personally.

If you are facing charges of Medicare or Medi-Cal fraud related to overbilling or billing for tests on patients who do not exist, take immediate action by contacting us at (213) 233-2260.

Los Angeles Medicare Attorney

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) continues to step up its auditing of medical professionals. The increased frequency and aggressiveness of these audits require immediate representation from an attorney at Green & Associates. You do not have to face a powerful federal government agency on your own.

California Medi-Cal Fraud Lawyer

Confusion exists with even the most seasoned and knowledgeable medical professional when it comes to Medi-Cal — administered by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) and not CMS. Resolving problems with Medicare does not fix any future issues related to overbilling with Medi-Cal or other insurance fraud allegations. Criminal investigations will continue and possible state charges could be filed.

Contact Us for a Free, 15-minute Consultation

For more information or to schedule an appointment with an experienced Los Angeles Medicare and Medi-Cal fraud defense lawyer regarding this complex area of healthcare law, please contact us at (213) 233-2260.

Contact Us

Whether you need legal representation for you or your business or help defending an investigation, accusation, audit, criminal charges or a civil lawsuit, call (213) 233-2260 to discuss your legal strategy. Or click "Contact Us" to schedule an initial consultation.
