Los Angeles Medicare & Medi-Cal Audits and Appeals

As Medicare and Medi-Cal (California's version of Medicaid) recovery audits have increased, so have the accusations of "overpayments." The findings of these powerful federal and state bureaucracies can result in providers being denied payments.

At Green & Associates, we represent clients involved in an audit and dealing with enrollment issues. As legal counsel, we also advise them on the significant differences between the state and federal programs. Confusion and simple clerical errors can have catastrophic results.

If you are facing a suspension over Medicare or Medi-Cal enrollment issues or allegations of overpayment, contact us at (213) 233-2260 for aggressive representation at hearings and necessary appeals.

Los Angeles Medicare Appeals Attorney

The alarming frequency of recovery audits conducted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) require medical businesses and professionals to protect themselves. Facing off against a powerful government bureaucracy on your own ignores the influence it holds and the rights you have. Even if it does not rule in your favor, you have options for an appeal.

California Medi-Cal Appeals Lawyer

Administered by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), the differences between the state and federal program create confusion among participants. Issues that they thought were resolved in Medicare become problems with Medi-Cal as well. Without warning, they are notified of a recovery audit. Time is of the essence. Do not give up if an initial board decision went against you. Take action and even the odds you face in dealing with Medicare and Medi-Cal with one telephone call to our law firm.

Contact Us for a Free, 30-minute Consultation

For more information or to schedule an appointment with an experienced lawyer regarding a Medi-Cal or Medicare denial and subsequent appeal, please contact us.

Contact Us

Whether you need legal representation for you or your business or help defending an investigation, accusation, audit, criminal charges or a civil lawsuit, call (213) 233-2260 to discuss your legal strategy. Or click "Contact Us" to schedule an initial consultation.
