Board Hearings in Los Angeles

When medical and other licensed professionals face their governing board, they are defending themselves against a group of judges. Unlike criminal matters, there are no juries. The administrative process is just as complex as its criminal counterpart. You need aggressive protection of your rights from an attorney who fights to even the odds against you.

At Green & Associates, we combine our dedication and diligence with experience before administrative boards and comprehensive knowledge of the law.

Take immediate action if you are the subject of an investigation or called to appear before a board. Contact us at (213) 233-2260.

Los Angeles Administrative Hearings Attorney

Being accused of unprofessional conduct or having been convicted of a crime related to the qualifications, functions or duties of a job can result in the following disciplinary actions:

  • Probation
  • Monetary fine
  • License suspension
  • License revocation

Licensing boards are becoming increasingly aggressive in their career-threatening punishments. On your behalf, our attorneys represent you before these boards and their attorneys. We not only match the aggressive approach taken by a board, but we also boast an equal amount of knowledge that its lawyers possess.

The education, training and hard work that went into your career should not be undone by a board's action. A board hearing is not something to handle on your own. You may know your industry, but we know the law and how to implement effective strategies to preserve your professional future.

Contact Us for a Free, 30-minute Consultation

For more information or to schedule an appointment with an experienced California discipline board hearing lawyer, please contact us.

Contact Us

Whether you need legal representation for you or your business or help defending an investigation, accusation, audit, criminal charges or a civil lawsuit, call (213) 233-2260 to discuss your legal strategy. Or click "Contact Us" to schedule an initial consultation.
