Los Angeles Federal Crime Defense Lawyers

Federal & State Criminal Defense Overview

A criminal conviction can affect more than your freedom and reputation. It can cause the loss of a professional license you worked so hard to achieve. At Green & Associates, we focus our practice of federal and state criminal defense in the following areas:

Health Care fraud

Valid complaints of health care fraud can result in probation, fines, or license suspension or revocation. As instances of fraud place a burden on the California state budget, investigations are increasing and penalties are becoming more severe. We combine legal knowledge with extensive experience in representing individuals and businesses involved in civil, criminal, and administrative matters.

Medicare and Medi-Cal fraud

At Green & Associates, we have witnessed an increase of Medicare and Medi-Cal audits involving home health care. Investigations often lead to hearings before boards acting more aggressively in their rulings and penalties. Being denied payments is only the beginning for patients and providers. Medical professionals could face criminal charges that jeopardize their freedom and put an end to their careers.

Insurance Fraud

Allegations of falsifying information on insurance applications, policies or claims can impact personal and professional lives. Federal and state authorities pursuing investigations and prosecutions over insurance fraud are aggressive. Fines, penalties and prison sentences could be the result, requiring you to retain an aggressive attorney.

White Collar criminal defense

Individuals charged with white collar crimes should not handle these complex cases on their own. An investigation for embezzlement, forgery, bank fraud or credit card fraud requires the immediate involvement of a criminal defense lawyer. Federal and state authorities may want you to plea bargain to end the matter. We know that there is far too much at stake to forgo legal advocacy.

Contact Us for a Free, 30-minute Consultation

For more information or to schedule an appointment with an experienced Los Angeles federal and state criminal defense attorney, please contact us at (213) 233-2260.

Contact Us

Whether you need legal representation for you or your business or help defending an investigation, accusation, audit, criminal charges or a civil lawsuit, call (213) 233-2260 to discuss your legal strategy. Or click "Contact Us" to schedule an initial consultation.
